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    最近我朋友去參加了Paktor Premium的活動(就是我下面文章介紹的第1家) 戀愛諮詢


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    Paktor Premium專門執行一對一實體交友服務,揮別以往的婚友社,以數據分析來找尋理想的另外一半。戀愛諮詢Premium與加拿大的數據公司合作,能夠提升至80%的精準配對,讓每一個會員能夠與符合內心理想的對象認識、約會,進而步入禮堂,結合科技與客戶至上的服務,堅持與會員們的約定,希望協助有需求的人,找到真愛。Paktor Premium一對一約會交友,是一個針對單身男女的約會服務!戀愛諮詢初次註冊以及訪談都是免費,先到網站註冊,填寫你想要找的對象條件,越詳細配對就會越精準!先在網站註冊填寫你的理想對象條件,之後正妹愛情顧問會請你到辦公室訪談,針對你的需求做了解。戀愛諮詢每位會員要透過訪談,確認身分才能夠成為正式會員!接著你的專屬顧問會依據你提出的條件,找到適合的對象,並幫你安排實體一對一的約會,一場屬於你們的約會!



United States President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12th in Singapore. They will discuss North Korea’s denuclearization along with other things. President Trump has also been focusing on Iran’s denuclearization as well as trade with China. Trump has imposed sanctions on all three countries. What exactly does imposing sanctions mean? A sanction is a penalty or punishment for breaking a rule or law. For example, if someone does not pay their taxes, the government can punish them. For countries, it can mean some very serious things for the people who live there. They might not be able to trade with other countries or buy the things they are used to buying.

美國總統川普北韓領導人金正恩,預定於6 月12 日在新加坡首度舉行會談,北韓廢核是這場「美朝會」的重點。除了北韓,川普總統最近也關切伊朗去核化及中美貿易的議題。美國對中、伊、朝三國都施加了制裁,英文的說法是imposing sanctions。這是什麼意思呢?對違規或違法者施加的刑責或懲罰就叫sanction。例如,政府對逃稅之人開罰, 就是一種sanction。sanction 也可以針對國家,這對受制裁國是一件很嚴重的事,可能意謂被迫切斷與其他國家的經貿往來。


Your teachers and parents can punish you. The government can punish citizens of a country. Only the UN Security Council can apply sanctions on a whole country. Those sanctions must be followed by all the UN member countries. Normally, the Security Council does not use military force. Instead they limit the country’s economy and diplomatic privileges. When the offending nation fixes its problem, the punishment stops and sanctions are lifted.

老師、父母可罰你,政府可開罪人民,但在國際法上, 只有聯合國安全理事會可對國家祭出集體制裁,而且其他會員國都得遵守這項制裁令。安理會通常不會發動軍事或武力制裁,而是限縮受制裁國的經貿活動或外交特權。只要受制裁國改正缺失,就可停止懲罰,取消制裁。


There are other kinds of sanctions as well. Individual countries can decide by themselves to put sanctions on other countries. This is called a unilateral sanction. There are economic sanctions, like the USD $60 billion Chinese import tariffs that Trump announced in March. Diplomatic sanctions are another kind, like when Taiwan was excluded from the World Health Assembly by China. There are even sports sanctions that stop national sports teams from competing in international events, like the World Cup soccer match.

國際間還有另一種由個別國家發動,對其他國家進行制裁的模式,謂之「單邊制裁」(譯按:字首uni 表示單個、一個)。經濟制裁是常見的單邊制裁手段,例如美國川普總統3 月宣布對中國課以600 億美金的進口關稅。外交制裁也是一配對約會種方式,例如中國日前不允許臺灣出席世界衛生大會。甚至運動也可制裁,例如禁止某國運動團隊參加世界杯足球賽等國際體育賽事。


Even though many countries use sanctions, it’s still a controversial decision. They can both help and hurt a country. For example, after the US put economic sanctions on China, China responded with their own sanctions on US goods. The economies of both countries suffer. In countries with less money, like North Korea, a sanction can be dangerous. The United Nations Children’s Fund has said that more than 60,000 children might starve because of the sanctions imposed on the country.

雖然許多國家動用單邊制裁,但這種機制仍充滿爭議,就像兩面刃,它有利也有害。例如,美國宣布對中國經濟制裁後,中國也對美國貨品「反制裁」,結果就是中美經濟兩敗俱傷。對北韓這種較為窮困的國家,制裁可能帶來巨大傷害。聯合國兒童基金會即曾指出,北韓在各國制裁下,超過6 萬名兒童可能處於挨餓狀態。

■最後手段VS. 優先選項

Since sanctions are so controversial, most countries consider them to be a last resort. UN sanctions, or sanctions agreed upon by multiple countries, work better than unilateral sanctions. When sanctions are used, it’s usually because diplomacy or other ways of solving problems have failed. That’s why leaders almost always look for better solutions to economic or political problems.


文/Sloan Sabbith


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